
David Fry – Senior Pastor

David and Holllie


David and Hollie Fry both grew up in Lancaster county and were married on June 11, 2005. 

They have two children: Chloe and Lily.  Chloe is six and in first grade.  She enjoys ballet and learning to play piano.  Lily is three and loves to play board games and attend gymnastics class. 

David and Hollie both attended Lancaster Bible College where David received a Bachelors in pastoral ministry and Hollie received a Bachelors in elementary education.  David also received his Master of Art in Bible Degree and went on to study for several years at Baptist Bible Seminary.  He is currently working to finish up his degree in Biblical Studies from Capital Bible Seminary in Greenbelt Maryland. 

David and his family have served in pastoral ministry for about 12 years and David has also taught as an adjunct professor in the Bible and Theology department at Lancaster Bible College since 2008. 

As a family, they enjoy spending time together outdoors, reading family stories, and taking day trips to new places. 

They currently live in Ephrata.



John Winterstein – Senior Pastor Emeritus

John Winterstein


  • Graduated Juniata College and Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Taught at Lancaster Bible College for 13 years.
  • Pastor-Teacher at Salem Bible Church since 1972.  Retired December 2015.